Sample Refusal (Opt Out) Letters
This page has links to opt out letters for the tests New York STATE gives to 3rd-8th graders every spring. If you are looking for letters for the tests (MAP, Acadience, iReady) that New York CITY gives three times a year to students in kindergarten through 10th grade, see HERE.
The letters below are merely guides; there is no “official” opt out letter. Feel free to customize them for yourself or your school community.
ENGLISH REFUSAL LETTER (Click on the link to download the letter to your computer. When you open the download you will be able to edit the letter on your computer if desired.)
SPANISH REFUSAL LETTER (puede editar a su discreción en su computadora o cellular)
Over 100 languages are spoken in NYC schools. Can you help us translate our letter into more than the few we have here? Please contact us to let us know.