“Black and Latino families want world class public schools for our children, just as white and affluent families do. We want quality and stability. We want a varied and rich curriculum in our schools. We don’t want them closed or privatized. We want to spend our days learning, creating and debating, not preparing for test after test.” -- Journey for Justice Alliance, in an open letter to Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid
NYC Opt Out is a grassroots coalition of parents and educators concerned about the impact of
high-stakes testing on New York City’s schools, children, and teachers. Our primary tactic is to organize a boycott of the annual state tests in order to pressure state officials to respond to our concerns and replace high-stakes standardized tests with authentic assessments.
We come from schools all over the city and are 100% volunteer-driven, with no corporate, foundation, or union sponsors. Volunteers have paid for flyers and website costs out of our own pockets.
For up-to-the-moment info on testing in NYC, join our Facebook page. This website is a great place to glean basic information and find downloadable material, but our Facebook page sees a lot more action. Pose questions there and they will be answered by a community of parents/guardians and educators.
NYC Opt Out networks with like-minded grassroots groups concerned about the future of public education.